Nursing History Mural

Nursing History Mural
Nursing History Mural

Three scenes from NC’s nursing history: settlement nursing, education, and hospital nursing, set against a backdrop of the NC topography. At 6’ x 3’6”, it is my smallest mural to date, and hangs in the lobby of the NC Board of Nursing in Raleigh. Completed Jan. 2005.

PreviousWren Children's Mural, detail (Dragon)Nursing History Mural, detail (Settlement Nursing)Next


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Your murals are breathtaking, I'm so glad I came across your website.
-- Jim Otterstrom, 11/22/09

This website is made possible by an Emerging Artists Grant from the Durham Arts Council with support from the North Carolina Arts Council, with funding from the state of North Carolina and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.